LOCKWOOD, Ernest Hector

No.42407, Private, Ernest Hector LOCKWOOD
Aged 21

2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment
formerly No.28113, Essex Regiment
Killed in Action on Wednesday, 21st August 1918

He is variously Hector Ernest or Ernest Hector, but the family seemed to use Ernest Hector, the military tending toward Hector E

Ernest Hector Lockwood was born in Santon Downham on 27th April 1897 (Thetford Q2-1897 4B:387) son of William and Belinda LOCKWOOD (née NEWTON).

1901 census...Aged 3, he was at High Lodge Farm, Santon Downham with his father William LOCKWOOD [47] under gamekeeper born Croxton; his mother Belinda [38] born Weeting; brothers William D [9], Francis R [7] and Allan S [5]; twin sisters Marjorie K and Rowena R [1]. All of the children were born in Santon Downham.

1911 census...Aged 14, now recorded as born Thetford, he was at The Hall Farm, Santon Downham, Brandon with his parents (father now gardener's labourer); brothers Francis R(gamekeeper), Alan Stanley (telegraph boy) and Bertram H [9]; sisters Rowena R and Daisy Hilda [6]. The new sibling born in Santon Downham. Of the eight siblings, one had died, Marjorie at the age of 5.

His parents were later at 15 Mile End, Brandon.

click here to go to the Brandon at War website for more information

He enlisted in Norwich.

His entry in De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour reads:-
LOCKWOOD, HECTOR ERNEST, Private, No.42407, 2nd Battn.(12th Foot) The Suffolk Ret., s. of William Lockwood, of Brandon Park, Brandon, by his wife, Belinda, dau.,of John Newton, of Weeting, near Brandon; b. Thetford, co.Norfolk,27 April,1897; educ. County Council School, Brandon; was under gamekeeper to Colonel Mackenzie of Santon Downham; enlisted in the SuffolK Regt. 1 May.1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 22 July, 1916, and was killed in action at Courcelles 21 Aug.1918. Buried in Railway Cutting Cemetery, Courcelles; unm.

The 2nd Suffolks were at Courcelles-le-Comte, the war dairy has:-
"The 3rd Division attacked the Germans at 4:55 am to drive them back towards BAPAUME. Dispositions:- 8th Bgd on left, 9th Bde on right with 76th Bd in Div, Reserve. K.O.R.L behind the 8th Bde, SUFFOLK behind 9th Bde, GORDONS in Bde Reserve.
The general line of the ARRAS-ALBERT railway was taken except in places on our right."

Murphy's "History of the Suffolk Regiment" is more forthcoming and relates that the thick mist which hung about during the early stages was thickened by the smoke of shell fire and tanks making direction finding possible only with a compass. The 3rd Division encountered problems on the right where the enemy held out, making progress along the railway line difficult. CWGC records 17 other ranks of 2nd Battalion killed that day.

photo: http://www.britishwargraves.co.uk/

photo: Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Ernest Lockwood is buried in Railway Cutting, Courcelles le Comte, grave A:22

click here to go to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website for full cemetery/memorial details